If you’ve ever had the feeling that you are dating a complete psychopath, but don’t know what signs you are dating a psychopath to look for, I’ve got you covered! You might think that the emergence of a psychopath in your life is something you’d know right away but nope! Psychopaths can be extremely charming.

You might probably get sucked into the life of a psychopath and not know who he or she really was until you are completely sucker punched. Dating a psychopath can be dangerous, especially when you disagree. News bulletins are always filled with tales of love gone wrong. She might pour hot water on you, set your house on fire, cause havoc at your workplace or disappear with the kids. He might punch you like a boxing bag, take back all the clothes he bought you and so on.  Here are signs you are dating a psychopath.

1.       Behaviour During And After Sex

How does your partner behave during and after sex? Do they cuddle with you or do they just do the thing and head on to do other businesses? Do they keep asking for weird things? Do they keep scratching and biting? Do they have strange or endless desires? Do they make you feel completely loved or do they treat you like you are just a sex toy? Ask yourself these questions and see exactly what your answers are.

2.      Sadistic Humor

What about their humor? Does your partner find humor in things that most people would find disgusting or even completely unlawful? If your partner is laughing at animals being hurt or at people suffering, it might be time for you to totally rethink your relationship.

3.       Excessive Charm , Passion Or Jealousy

Does your partner call you all the time? Sometimes there are places you want to go alone but your partner insists on coming along.  Sometimes your partner doesn’t let you have friends of the opposite sex. They keep being jealous for nothing. These are signs you are dating a psychopath.

When you first met your partner, did they completely dazzle you in every way, shape and form? Did they constantly say or do all of the right things? Did they charm all of your friends and even your family the second that they met? That’s a sign you are dating a psychopath. Excessive charm is fishy – being nice is one thing, but charm is another. It can be fake. A psychopath goes out of their way to please you. It’s just another way of getting you hooked. There might be an ill motive

4.        No Conscience

Does your partner have a conscience? Do they commit things and not feel any guilt at all over them? Do you see that in them? This is absolutely a sign you are dating a psychopath. Every single normal person in the world has a conscience, which means that if your partner doesn’t, that’s scary.

5.        Lots of Lies

Do you constantly catch your partner in a lie? Does everything they says typically end up being a lie? If this is exactly what you’re experiencing, it might be one of the signs you are dating a psychopath and you should watch out. Psychopaths typically lie about everything and can even live double lives sometimes. They live in fantasy worlds. They prefer imagining rather than doing.

One of the top signs you’re dating a psychopath is if all their stories tend to be a bit exaggerated and inconsistent upon investigation. The facts simply don’t line up. For example, they might regale you with tales of great success, asking perhaps that you invest in a new venture and claiming unrealistic returns on your money. But when you dig deeper, you’re hard-pressed to find any evidence of his credentials. Keep that in mind the next time you catch them in a lie!

6.       Lack of empathy

Does your partner seem to have absolutely no emotions? Do they lack a lot of sympathy and empathy? If you hurt yourself, do they even say sorry? When you are sick, how do they react? These are natural emotions and if your partner seems to not have them, it might be one of the signs you are dating a psychopath. Your partner should have some type of empathy when it comes to certain situations and throughout your entire relationship.

7.       Repeats the Same Mistakes

Does your partner constantly repeat the same mistakes that they makes promises not to make? Do they constantly say all of the right things to get out of you getting angry?  Are they resistant to change and believe they are right even when they are wrong? This is a sign you are dating a psychopath. Remember, you want someone that is going to learn from their mistakes, not constantly make the same ones over and over again.

8.      They have a history of instability

The number of relationships that your partner has had also matters. Are they able to keep a relationship for long? Were they dumped most of the times? If your partner has always been unable to keep a steady relationship, there are minimal chances that yours will work. Does your partner argue with everyone?

Oftentimes, psychopaths are unable to keep jobs, last in educational institutions or uphold financial commitments. Their sense of entitlement leads them to dismiss work rules, like arriving on time, staying awake or not stealing. Moreover, the reason for their termination typically includes insubordination, as they have no respect for the people who have control over them, such as their bosses. Watch out


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